Saturday, June 23, 2007

* RADIO RANT: Bill—AHM—O'Reilly

I've TRIED to listen to this fellow's—AHM—radio show long enough to critique its—AHM—content, but I find myself immediately wanting to calculate how many times he says "AHM" per minute: the O'Reilly ahm is surely one of the loudest and most obnoxious phatic placeholder syllables in the history of electronic media. (Or perhaps this word is a mantra, related to the Sanscrit OM, and Bill is really meditating his way to nirvana as he speaks. This might explain the fact that many of his utterances make as much sense as a Zen koan.)

1 comment:

mahnu.uterna said...

His strategy for holding the floor despite having nothing insightful to - uhhh - say?

A Word from One of My Sponsors (not "AdSense"; rather "MadSense" or "RadSense"):
