Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Deer Presedent Busch;

Pleez pass a law makeing Engish the onely offishul language in Amerika, if these himigrants want to be citisins they got to lurn to speak and rite good Engfish! Besides, I'm tard of ordring a Super-Sighs meal at Macks and not even bean understood wurse yet when I try to call for poorn sex they always say "for English press one". WHICH one? Mr. Presdient, its just getting to dam confusing.

Conserned in Pyorrhea

1 comment:

Artichoke Heart said...

I was chairing a job search committee for instructor positions and was conducting reference checks, when a professor from Texas, during the course of the reference check, felt extraneously compelled to inform me, in a blowhardish and condescending manner, that children of immigrants find it next to impossible to master the formal academic register. I had to restrain myself from completing the rest of the reference check in pidgin English.

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