Friday, June 29, 2007

* John & Martha IV; Quitting Smoking

Maybe this is only funny to me because I just quit smoking myself (16 days, 11 hours, & 31 minutes ago):Quitting smoking partly—no, mostly—explains why I've been on a lot of outdoors excursions recently; the most dangerous place for me right now is my formerly smoke-filled (& still smoke-stained) apartment. Car trips are my current salvation.


mahnu.uterna said...

Amazingly awesome! When I quit, I used gum for a while, and also a "quit meter" that keeps track of cigs not smoked and money not wasted: Since 9/14/2001, I have not smoked an estimated 63,446 cigarettes and saved an estimated $9,516.

Congrats and good luck!

Tom Gannon said...

Wow! . . . (Can I get a loan?!)

mahnu.uterna said...

When I say "saved," I actually mean I spent it - just not on cigarettes. :)

Tom Gannon said...

Yeh, so I figured. . . . And seein' your kids in YouTube!--heck. I'm glad I only "half-paid" for one kid!

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