Thursday, July 26, 2007

*Hell=The Root of the—Canal

I got a root canal this morning. No pain, no prob., in a physical sense, but the true hell of the thing was mental. I assume that the dental industry has done lots of consumer studies to get to this point, but the point sucks: I was forced to listen to "piped-in" 60's rock thru the whole thing. (No, it wasn't even a real radio station: this was "elevator" music, on a long loop, I'm sure, for the dentally challenged.)

I remember some episode from a 1970's horror series à la the Twilight Zone (Night Shadows?) in which some hippie-loadie dies in a car crash and gets sent to Hell—to a place he thinks is the waiting room thereto, with several elderly people listening to Lawrence-Welk-type music. He waits & waits . . . and finally realizes that he's waiting for nothing, no form to sign, no confrontation w/ Mr. D. This is his eternal (waiting-room-of-a) HELL.

Aside from the doo-wop-rock crap, there were a few tunes by the Stones & Beatles, etc., that I actually liked; or used to like: they were totally out of their rightful, their righteous, context. I was being drilled into; I was not in the mood for either musical pablum OR the Beatles singing about "Revolution." I wanted either silence, or—hell—give me Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King," over and over, and over and over. At least let the music be a constant fit metaphor for my current psychic condition. Don't jack me around with "pretend" bourgeois "ain't life great" ditties when surgery into the jawbone is involved. Geez, I just want the à propos!


Michelle Rogge Gannon said...

I remember my root canal from 20-plus years ago. Your description brought it all back, quite vividly. What I remember is the dentist, who was fairly new, saying something like,"Oh--this root wasn't quite dead, was it?" --the Wife

Tom Gannon said...

Worst of all, I couldn't figure out, from all his vague explanations, how the root canal was actually going to stop the real problem: infections under the roots of the tooth because of that bad crown job I got in the first place. He made cryptic/scary comments, finally, about it all being up to my "immune system": I may have wasted $600 for nothing?! (Yes, I sound like my dad, & his cheapness; but if I were my dad—I'd REALLY be pissed.)

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