Tuesday, May 15, 2007

* RADIO RANT: Christian = Jew ≠ Native American

Yet another conservative talkshow host, Michael Medved, didn't let me down this early morning in his irrational close-mindedness. To the possibility that GW Bush might actually sign onto some federal "apology" to Native Americans, Medved was vociferous in his opposition. As is my wont, I only listened for about ten minutes—the most I can handle of these people before I want to put a revolver to my temple—but I was surprised how even several of his "fans" actually called him on such insensitivity. He ultimately retorted, in disdain: "I don't hate Indians. I hate multiculturalism."

Hmmm. And yet you a member of a minority group, Mr. Medved? (He's Jewish.) But you are for "monoculturalism"? Which would thus be an ultimate erasure of any Jewish ethnic identity? . . . Medved reminds me of another Jewish conservative, "Dr. Laura," who eternally conflates Christianity & Judaism into some moralist melting-pot that would rule the universe—some essentialist "right way of behaving" that all good Christians & Jews adhere to—to the detriment of any cultural difference between even, oh, say, Irish Catholicism, and Utah Mormonism, and Hassidic Judaism (and common sense). . . . In sum, in trying to deny the Native American any historical "exceptionalism," Mr. Medved, you've denied your own heritage, too. (Or, just as bad or worse, you've claimed that your heritage is the norm for all humankind.)

And of course, your argument is ultimately an attempt to erase any guilt regarding Euro-American colonialism per se. "We—uhma—SAVAGES, Mr. Medved, outside your—ughh—enlightened morality. Save—ugha-ugha—us! (And teach us, above, all the fine sophistry of employing theology to support true asshole bourgois materialism!")

1 comment:

mahnu.uterna said...

RIGHT ON!! This is the first time I read your blog, sir, and I am in awe!

*Of course* you are going to articulate the issues more accurately than the Medveds of the world - they choose their "stance" and never think about it again (if they ever did in the first place). Outstanding critique!

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