Sunday, July 1, 2007

* Mac Geekdom: Backing Up Yr Blog

I swear that I spend half my life backing up my "shtuff" from one drive to another. So I was initially nervous about relying on a 3rd-party server to hold all my blog entries. Solution—to my own paranoia, anyway—and for those of you on a Mac w/ Safari: go into Dashboard and choose "display all posts" as a preference. Then in Safari: File: Save as ... Web Archive. It's a good-sized file, but all yr "shtuff" is saved to yr hard drive. (Now change yr prefs back to the 10 or 15 entries-to-be-displayed that you'd previously selected.)


mahnu.uterna said...

Thanks for the tip. btw, any plans for celebrating the 88th anniversary of the US Migratory Bird Treaty Act?

Tom Gannon said...

Yeh, I just saw that--celebrated as a postcard at the USPS! Oh, well. . . .

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