Saturday, April 14, 2007

* "Objectivity" = Projection/Subjectivism

[Quot. of the Day:] I love Nietzsche's dictum that "every great philosophy up till now [is] . . . a species of involuntary and unconscious autobiography"—because, at last, it applies to all ideology and to all of us, really, not just to the grand metaphysicians. For instance, in my own field of literary criticism, it's amazing how inevitably Protestants have claimed Shakespeare as Protestant, and Catholics claimed him as a (closet) Catholic (and even 20th-century existentialists claimed him as, really, one of their own dark spawn!). Ditto the cooptive claims by heteros vs. gays, etc., etc.: in sum, "Shakespeare championed everything that I so dearly cherish!" [Shakespeare example culled from a July 1991 journal entry.]

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